How Consumers have Accepted Sustainable and Eco-friendly Fashion Overtime?

How Consumers have Accepted Sustainable and Eco-friendly Fashion Overtime?

Consumers have been shifting gradually to sustainable and eco-friendly fashion. Although the trend has picked up pace in the post-pandemic era, much needs to be done to further sustainable and eco-friendly fashion. The onus lies not just upon the fashion industry but also upon other parties for effective implementation. Understanding Sustainable vs Eco-friendly Fashion Both terms sustainable and eco-friendly are used interchangeably. However, in terms of fashion, there is a slight chance that differs between the two. Sustainable fashion is inclusive of the environmental effects that a cloth can have. It takes into account the long term impacts of the production of the garment and their disposal. On the contrary, eco-friendly fashion is aimed at using efficient yet reduced natural energy resources for production. Additionally, reusing, repairing, and recycling garments is also considered. However, eco-friendly items can become unsustainable if used excessively.   4 Reasons Why Sustainability is Important Over...
LILY ZHOU - Nov 15, 2021
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