How Fashion Industry can Help Minimize the Effects of Climate Change?
The global fashion industry has contributed to climate change and its associated effects. With an overall change in the structure that is in line with sustainable development, the industry can make a visible change in mitigating climate change and its effects. Global Climate Change Global warming refers to the warming of the Earth over a larger period. Although warming has taken place for years, it has sped up greatly over the past few years. Since the industrial revolution and the use of fossil fuels, the globe has experienced exponential levels of rising temperatures. This pressure on the environment is bound to further increase with the rise in the global population. Global warming has in turn also paved way for climate change which leads to a greater global impact, across various fronts. Projected Impacts of Global Climate Change Fossil fuels are used excessively by the fashion industry. These contribute to greenhouse...
Nov 09, 2021
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